Så har då ytterligare en månad då mer än 1000 dollar återbetalats till Kivakontot. Vi har därmed passerat 126 000 utlånade dollar. Det självspelande pianot fortsätter att spela och och vi fortsätter att känna oss glada och nöjda över att kunna göra verklig skillnad i världen.
Nu önskar vi förstås alla nya låntagare lycka till! När det går bra för dem kan vi att fortsätta spela.
Rochain's Best Female Farmers Group
Rochain Village, Sierra Leone
A loan helps to pay for improved seeds, organic inputs, and tractor rental fees.
$25.00Emanuel Group
Sacatepéquez, Guatemala
A loan helps to buy a variety of thread and tools for the loom.
Maua, Kenya
A loan helps to help Ireen irrigate and buy more farm inputs such as more fertilizers and seedlings to boost her production.
Korce, Albania
A loan helps to prepare the land for planting and to buy wheat seed in order to have a good harvest and make a good income at the end of the season.
$25.00Maria Magdalena
Patuca, Olancho, Honduras
A loan helps to purchase different kinds of fertilizer.
Yavan, Tajikistan
A loan helps to purchase mineral fertilizers, till the soil, expand business, get a good profit and improve living conditions of the family.
Bamako, Mali
A loan helps to purchase solar home systems and lanterns for rural customers in Mali.
Baybay City, Leyte, Philippines
A loan helps to buy fertilizer and other farm supplies.
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
A loan helps to buy bales of rolls of thread and dye, to save money to improve her family's living conditions.
Hebron, West Bank, Palestine
A loan helps to buy a new sewing machine, yarns, silk, and fabrics for her work.
Talafo'ou, Tonga
A loan helps to buy mulberry for her tapa-making business and also use some of the money for maintaining their plantation and perfecting it.
$25.00One Acre Fund
Iringa, Tanzania
A loan helps One Acre Fund farmers in Tanzania access seeds and supplies on credit to help them feed themselves, their families and their communities.
Rongkwang, Thailand
A loan helps to buy supplies and yarn to weave hammocks consistently through the coming year.
Ta åt dig av äran, många har inte gjort tillmämdelsevis så stor skilland i världen som du gjort
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