Lagren av färdigstickat bara växer och växer men här är i alla fall ett försök att minska dem lite.
Ingen kan göra allt. Alla kan göra något. Tillsammans kan vi göra mycket. Föreningen Soluppgången vill dra sitt strå till stacken för att göra världen till en lite bättre plats.
Det går bra för många låntagare vilket gör att vi även den här månaden kommer att passera en ny tusendollarsgräns. Vi hoppas förstås att det går bra även för de nya låntagare som presenteras nedan och som är de första nya låntagarna efter november månads återbetalningar.
Gicumbi, Rwanda
A loan helps to purchase more fertilizer and seeds to use in the field.
Paraguari, Paraguay
A loan helps to purchase fabrics, threads, elastics, and other supplies.
Ramallah City, West Bank, Palestine
A loan helps to buy sewing machines, yarn, silk, and fabrics for her work.
Korce, Albania
A loan helps to prepare the land for planting and to buy wheat seed in order to have a good harvest and secure bread for the entire year.
Kabuga, Rwanda
A loan helps to purchase more fertilizer and seeds to use in the field.
Paraguari, Paraguay
A loan helps to purchase fabrics, thread, elastic and buttons, among other items.
Jenin City-West Bank, Palestine
A loan helps to buy sewing machines, thread, silk, and fabrics for her work.
Banga, Aklan, Philippines
A loan helps to buy fertilizer and other farm supplies to maintain her farm land.
Lamduan, Surin, Thailand
A loan helps to buy more silk thread, dyes and other materials for weaving her cloth.
San Juan Sacatepèquez, Guatemala
A loan helps purchase fertilizer and thread.
Korce, Albania
A loan helps to pay for some seasonal work on her land and the planting of lettuce, cabbage, and leeks for income during the winter season.
Shahriston, Tajikistan
A loan helps to buy an embroidery sewing machine to sew embroidery on national dresses.
Sikhoraphum, Surin, Thailand
A loan helps to buy silk thread, colored dyes and materials for weaving silk cloth.
San Gabriel, Ecuador
A loan helps to buy agricultural products and to pay for watering and day laborers for her crops of onion and green peas.
Cantel Quetzaltenango, Guatemala
A loan helps to buy a large quantity of high quality thread to continue weaving.
Kapsabet, Kenya
A loan helps to purchase modern farm inputs such as certified seeds and organic fertilizers in order to improve the quality of her output.
Lagret av tröjor bara växer och växer men ett litet avsteg från tröjstickandet presenteras ovan. Det är roligt att virka korgar också. Tyvärr kan en bara virka när en virkar. När en stickar kan en åtminstone läsa samtidigt.
Tygremsorna till korgen har donerats av A och garnet av Sune. Det är faktiskt fler korgar på gång eftersom det finns en hel del material kvar. Tusen tack till er båda som gjort detta möjligt!
Nu har vi passerat 125 000 utlånade dollar och vi kan bara hoppas att det går bra för våra nya låntagare. Då kanske vi passerar en ny 1000-dollarsgräns även nästa månad trots att det var väldigt länge sedan vi hade möjlighet att pytsa in några nya pengar på kivakontot. Förhoppningsvis får vi snart tillfälle att möta nya presumtiva kunder för det är ju väldigt roligt att kunna göra skillnad i världen.
Makaiba Village, Sierra Leone
A loan helps to pay for improved seeds, organic inputs, and tractor rental fees, which enhance both sustainability and profitability.
Chichicastenango, Departamento El Quiche, Guatemala
A loan helps to pay for silos for storage and a water pump so that she can irrigate her little farm throughout the year.
Manica, Mozambique
A loan helps to buy high quality fertilizers to sell to smaller farmers in her community.
Gulu, Uganda
A loan helps to buy quality millet seeds for this season to reap a good harvest.
Temurmalik, Tajikistan
A loan helps to buy some colored thread and fabrics to expand her sewing business.
Saaba Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
A loan helps to buy thread and dye to make woven pagnes (bright West African cloth).
Rogbonkoh Mathaka Village, Sierra Leone
A loan helps to pay for improved seeds, organic inputs, and tractor rental fees, which enhance both sustainability and profitability.
Matoko, Sierra Leone
A loan helps to pay for improved seeds, organic inputs, and tractor rental fees, which enhance both sustainability and profitability.
Totonicapan, Guatemala
A loan helps to purchase a large quantity of high-quality yarn in many colors.
Makaunga, Tonga
A loan helps to plough their field for the next watermelon growing season, and also to export their container of crops overseas.
Tobar Donoso, Ecuador
A loan helps to buy more naranjilla plants and farming supplies to improve her production.
Yavan, Tajikistan
A loan helps to buy fabrics and sewing supplies for her embroidery business.
Molo, Kenya
A loan helps to help a single mother purchase modern farm inputs and boost her crop production and eventually increase her income flow.
Maforay Village, Sierra Leone
A loan helps to pay for improved seeds, organic inputs and tractor rental fees, which enhance both sustainability and profitability.
Maforay Village, Sierra Leone
A loan helps to pay for improved seeds, organic inputs and tractor rental fees, which enhance both sustainability and profitability.
Jambaló - CAU (PDET), Colombia
A loan helps to sustain her organic coffee production by purchasing natural fertilizers.
Mafraq, Jordan
A loan helps to furnish her veterinary clinic to serve her community to build towards a better future.
Mandawahun Village, Sierra Leone
A loan helps to pay for improved seeds, organic inputs, and tractor rental fees, which enhance both sustainability and profitability.
Matrando-Loko Village, Sierra Leone
A loan helps to pay for improved seeds, organic inputs, and tractor rental fees, which enhance both sustainability and profitability.
Kapsowar, Kenya
A loan helps to purchase farm inputs such as fertilizers and seeds to improve production and income for a widow to help live a sustainable life.
Bayawan, Negros Oriental, Philippines
A loan helps to buy fertilizers and other farm supplies.
Caldono - CAU (ZOMAC), Colombia
A loan helps to sustainably expand her coffee production crops by purchasing organic fertilizers and seeds.
San Juan del Río Coco, Nicaragua
A loan helps to buy compost and foliar nutrients for establishing one plot of guava and maintaining one plot of coffee.
Rongkwang, Thailand
A loan helps to buy raw materials to ensure her hammock business continues smoothly despite global economic uncertainty.