Dagen innan november månads återbetalningar trillar in på Kivakontot är oktober månads återutlåning klar. Den här gången blev det även en liten donation till Kiva eftersom vi inte hade kunnat göra det vi gör, om inte Kiva hade funnits. Det finns förstås en orsak till. Någon smart marknadsförare på Kiva har fått en att få lite mer dåligt samvete när en numer avstår från att donera.
Nu önskar vi alla nya låntagare lycka till!
| Priscilla Taveta, Kenya
A loan helps to buy seed and fertilizer to boost production.
$25.00 |
| Mary Luz Angostura, Colombia
A loan helps to buy supplies to sustain her crops.
$25.00 |
| Orpha Nyamira, Kenya
A loan helps to buy seed and fertilizer so that she can improve her crop farming.
$25.00 |
| Mcclaire San Carlos, Negros Occidental, Philippines
A loan helps to buy fertilizers and other farm supplies.
$25.00 |
| Asolima Faala Palauli, Samoa
A loan helps to buy a water tank, chemicals, vegetable seeds, soil, a rake.
$25.00 |
| Teofila Metepec, Mexico
A loan helps to purchase a biodigester to power her farm with biogas and stop cutting trees.
$25.00 |
| Yamileth Del Rosario Wiwili, Nicaragua
A loan helps to purchase coffee seedlings, biofertilizers, calcium, zinc, etc., and to pay her collaborators.
$25.00 |
| Cristine Ntungamo, Uganda
A loan helps to buy fertilizers and mulch for her banana plantation.
$25.00 |
| Savoeun Group Svay Reang Province, Cambodia
A loan helps to pay for additional organic fertilizer and organic pesticide.
$25.00 |
| Lidieth
San José, Costa Rica
A loan helps to buy agricultural supplies that help grow her coffee plants.
$25.00 |
| Margaret
Maua, Kenya
A loan helps to buy spray pumps and other farm inputs.
$25.00 |
| Luz
Urrao, Colombia
A loan helps to buy fertilizers and to pay for some workforce to improve her coffee production.
$25.00 |
| Lonah
Kabartonjo, Baringo county, Kenya
A loan helps to purchase seeds and fertilizers.
$25.00 |
| Binh's Group
Mai Sơn - Sơn La, Vietnam
A loan helps to buy fertilizer for her family's coffee field.
$25.00 |
| Mary
Kenyenya, Kenya
A loan helps to buy farm inputs such as fertilizer and seeds to enable her to grow more vegetables.
$25.00 |
| Sumaira
Jhang, Pakistan
A loan helps to purchase classroom furniture and school white wash.
$25.00 |
| G.s La Tormenta Group
Gracias, Lempira, Honduras
A loan helps to purchase fertilizers and supplies to apply to her crop.
$25.00 |
| Alzira
Marracuene, Mozambique
A loan helps to buy two tropicalized greenhouses to use as a nursery as well as a processing system for hybrid seed production, in order to sell high quality crops to increase the income for her family.
$25.00 |
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